Our Facebook Page

Hello friends,
Our offer stands for the free battery ex skin for every "like" we received at our Facebook page. But please send us an email also, as Facebook’s privacy settings, most times does not allow us to send a message to you, or even send a friend request to you. so please please please make sure to email us so we do have your email address. Thank you.......

Monday, July 2

Hello Friends!

Here is a "Welcome and Hello Gift" from our blog. We are excited to get this off the ground. Enjoy! One of the talented Weather Set Creators and the main character of this blog EAGLESFAN also known as EF of CB, created two sets to announce our take off!... (Well .... he makes all of them.)
Enjoy these free sets..... StrawberryJellyWeather and GrapeJellyWeather.
Here are the screen shots and links for your download.



We'd like to promote our Facebook page. For a complimentary personalized battery skin with your initial, just go to BBerryJelly"s Facebook Page and "LIKE" us. Send us an email at bberryjelly@gmail.com  with your name, so we can start working on the battery skin with your initial on it. Custom made.... just for you.....

Enjoy your day!

CEO and janitor Sammy Smokes

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